
Video Marketing Starter Kit: The Info You Need To Know

Kids aren’t the only ones with their eyes glued to their phones. For example, no one is more plugged in than my great aunt June. I receive Facebook Reels from her on a near-daily basis. If watching an endless feed of animal rescue videos is her way of staying in touch with me, I’ll take it.

My point is people of every age and from every background are spending their free time online. And what are they doing? Mostly chatting, shopping, and watching videos. The average daily watch time per user on YouTube, the dominant video platform, has increased steadily over the last 5 years.

In a classic effort to reach people where they’re spending time, video marketing has grown too. In fact, 90% of businesses are using video as a marketing tool in 2024. Are you one of them? If not, you should be, and here’s why.

Why Video?

Everyone’s Watching It
In the US alone, there are 244.4 million digital video content viewers. Your audience is amongst them, and you need to spend time where they are! Video is the king of content in this moment.

Increase Sales
Companies taking advantage of video marketing enjoy the sales bump the strategy offers them. A survey by Google reported that nearly 75% of businesses using video marketing say it’s improving their conversion rates. Video can be a powerful tool in your sales journey, engaging potential customers and driving them toward making a purchase.

Bask in Shareability
Did you know videos are 12x more shared than text and images combined? Videos start a conversation in a way that other forms of media just don’t. They’re more engaging because they catch the eye, and brain, with greater pull than just static images alone. This makes the likelihood of making sales via video all the greater.

Easily Showcase Products and Services
You can easily show your product or service in action. Actually demonstrating your offerings helps viewers instantly understand their value and utility, making them more likely to make a purchase.

More Memorability
Talking points of videos stay with people. Adobe found that video is the most memorable type of content – with 95% of viewers retaining a message seen in video, compared to just 10% when reading the same message in text. . . . Hey, are you still with me? 👀

If you aren’t learning more about video content, you’ll be left behind.

Different Ways of Creating Video Ads

If your interest is piqued and gears turning on video creation, now consider this: There’s no one way to make video ads. There are tons of methods and styles you can adopt depending on your brand and skillset.

Video Shoots

Professional video shoots with a videographer, cross-cut footage, and rounds of editing will obviously produce the most polished result. With the help of a videographer, you’ll receive high-quality footage that can be effectively turned into branded ads. This style can be most effective to convey messages serious in nature or ads that will have utility beyond the digital sphere.

Character Animation


We have a special spot in our heart for animation and have written about it extensively. One of the most beautiful things about animation is that if you can dream it, we can create it. Animated videos are versatile and can illustrate complex concepts simply while incorporating your brand and style.

Footage Shot on Your Phone

Consumers today value authenticity in the overly-curated social media sphere. With decent light and a good camera, smartphone videos can be quite effective. The most important thing is to have a good idea that hooks people from the first second.

Client Testimonials

The best sales people are often satisfied past clients. Seeing others share about their positive experiences with your company builds trust with people interested in your services. Share your success stories through the lens of your raving fans! Just a few short lines can make compelling ads.

PCI Midwest Career Video

Text Overlays and Titles

Maybe the footage you shot ended up not being that great, or maybe you weren’t able to capture anything at all. You’d be amazed at how much text overlays and title cards can up the overall level of professionalism and polish to your work.

Make Ads Better and Better

Unlike traditional TV ads that play for everyone that happens to be watching the football game or the American Idol finale, video ads on the internet target a very specific audience. You can decide exactly who you want to see your ad based on all kinds of demographic, geographic, and psychographic information. Want to reach 50-somethings in Plymouth who have an interest in gardening? Can do!

As ads run, you’ll gain more data on who’s watching them and for how long and all kinds of data so you can dial in your ads to make them that much more compelling to your target audience. As ads become more targeted, the hope is that their performance improves and yields better and better results.

Fuzzy Duck’s Video Marketing

According to a Wyzowl survey, a lack of time is the #1 barrier to adopting video marketing. With Fuzzy Duck, you can start reaching people even with your busy schedule. Here’s what we’ll offer you:

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Creative Production

Our team of creative professionals handles the design and productions according to your specifications. Scriptwriters, animators, editors, and marketing professionals come together to create compelling ad components that can be refined for best results.

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Campaign Planning

The most successful ads benefit from an overarching strategy. In developing a campaign, we can produce a series of ads to most effectively lead viewers through the sales funnel. Through A/B testing, we can learn more about the most potent parts of your message and expand on them. The learnings we continuously gather will build your success.

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Ongoing Support

In the day-to-day, we’ll monitor your ad progress and make improvements on the backend, just as we do with other online ad campaigns. We’ll provide suggestions and strategies to improve success within budget. Our team acts as an extension of your staff, taking the time-consuming burden of ongoing ad tinkering off your shoulders.

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Reusable Assets

Another unique bonus of creating video ads with Fuzzy Duck – you’ll get all the components of the ads we create for you. If you want to add these videos to your website, post them in your social feed, chop them up and make them into GIFs, they are yours to do with what you will. And this, of course, takes your investment even further.

Get Started on Your Video Ad Strategy

So, are you ready to amplify your marketing efforts with video ads? Fuzzy Duck’s ad strategy is designed to help you land customers and hit your marketing goals. Learn more about our video services on our motion graphics page. Our comprehensive approach aims to build brand awareness, reach your niche audience, and create shareable content that drives results.


  • Brenna Connolly

    As Fuzzy Duck’s copywriter, Brenna works diligently to make your brand voice shine. After graduating from the University of Minnesota, she honed her craft in the natural foods industry where she contributed to professional websites, industry-wide publications, and social media initiatives. Brenna has written for clothing companies and newspapers alike; she’s even edited a novel. A bona fide wordsmith, Brenna is eager to help you tell your story.