
5 Quick Questions To Test Your Logo’s Strength

Is your logo working as hard as you are? That is, is it helping drive business, portray a professional look, and helping your company be memorable? When’s the last time you really looked at your logo? Not just glanced at it, but given it a real once-over – a true examination. If it’s been a while, maybe even since it was first designed, it’s worth doing a gut check using the following questions to make sure it’s still representing your organization as it should.

Is It Outdated?

Logos can be a little like cars – some are timeless classics and some just start to look sorta rusty. If your logo is showing its age, a simple refresh or modern touch-up on some of its finer points could breathe new life into your brand. Pay homage to your brand’s past by fine tuning for the future!

Do The Colors Still Work?

Colors are powerful. They evoke emotions and communicate values that actually involve a lot of psychology. When you think back to your logo’s design, were those colors chose with intention? Or simply because your favorite color is purple? A refined color palette can keep your brand emotionally on target and better connect with you with the right customers.

Does It “Go” With The Rest of Your Branding?

Your logo is one part of your larger brand identity. When you look at your logo, does it complement your font choices, go-to imagery, and overall personality? If those visual brand elements don’t all jive together, it could be hugely beneficial to make it all flow. In the world of branding, consistent use and cohesion are key!

Is It Flexible?

A great logo adapts easily no matter its size, scale, or application. Whether it’s embroidered on a shirt, made itsy-bitsy for a social media post, or blown up on a billboard, it should look good and be easily recognizable. The same goes for whether it appears in black and white or color. And what formats do you have it available in? If you need an easier-to-work-with file format or to translate an older logo to more modern technology, it might be the time to do so.

Is It Memorable?

Do people recognize your logo at a glance? Does it convey or cleverly suggest what your company does, represents, or stands for? A good logo will be recognized and associated quickly, again and again, to stand out in the minds of your audience and prospective clients. Make your name known and instantly identifiable!

So, did your logo hold up to all this scrutiny? Or are you left wondering if it’s really held up to the sands of time? Our team of branding gurus are here to lend their marketer eyes to your company logo as part of our free consultation. Let’s make sure it really is working as hard as you are.


  • Here at Fuzzy Duck, we’re known for our ability to collaborate. This blog is the result of just that – collaboration! We’ve listed “Fuzzy Duck” as the author for this article because it represents the joint efforts of talented marketers and writers, past and present. May our combined brainpower help propel your small business marketing.